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10 Steps to Build Genuine Twitter Followers Fast

The point of a huge Twitter following should not be so you look like some kind of rock star. Ultimately you want real followers who are listening to you presumably because you have something valuable to say. Real Twitter followers make the difference between a trickle and a deluge of traffic. The following are steps we have used on various Twitter accounts to gain genuine followers.

1. Design your twitter page- Take the time to fill out you bio and website on Twitter, and upload a decent headshot or icon so people can see that you are a real person, and decide to follow you. Also consider making a custom background to better convey info about yourself.

2. Wefollow- is a directory of twitter users list yourself under the appropriate categories so like minded people can find you.

3. Hash Tags- Use has tags which look like this: #yourkeyword to describe what your tweet is about people track these and will follow you.

4. Comment, ReTweet, Reply- Engage people in conversation using questions, comments, and retweets if you are interesting real people will follow.

5. Advertise your Twitter- Put your twitter profile on all of your social media profiles, websites, and also in your signatures on forums, and emails to gain more followers.

6. Hoot Suite- Hootsuite is an online application that is like a head up display for your twitter accounts. The best feature as far as followers go is prescheduling tweets if you have a regular stream of tweets followers will increase, and your current followers can be more engaged.

7. Mr. Tweet- Mr. Tweet lets you follow or recommend users based on your interests and niche you can follow up to 50 a day.

8. Twitter Match- follow users based on your chosen keywords and often they will follow you back

9. Buzzom- lets you grow your followers based on your interests and flush those who aren’t following you back. After you have used these other steps to follow hundreds or thousands of people give them about 3-5 days to see if they will follow back and flush the non followers.

10. The Twit Cleaner- After using these other steps to dramatically grow your following use to show you who is just a spammer, inactive or otherwise uninterested in what you have to say. The best part is it will unfollow them in mass for free.

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